Uni Fire


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It’s important to know where the fire extinguishers in your building are located so you’ll be prepared in the event of a fire. Below, you’ll find some of the most commonly asked questions we get from customers who are buying fire extinguishers for the first time or are simply interested in learning more about fire safety. We are a FIRE PROTECTION COMPANY that takes pride empowering customers through fire safety tips.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Feel free to ask any Questions

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Fire safety education and training is not only required by law, it’s also an extremely important skill to obtain regarding the safety of employees and others who might be in the building. Fires are damaging to property, cause injury or death, and can even eliminate jobs since many buildings destroyed by fire are not rebuilt. The way to prevent these dire outcomes is proper fire safety training.

A fire needs three things to thrive: heat, fuel, and oxygen. The powder or foam that comes out of the fire extinguisher is specially formulated to smother fire and cut off its oxygen supply. The fire will go out once there is no more oxygen left to fuel it.

Yes, your fire extinguisher will need to be inspected and given regular maintenance from a fire protection contractor. A contractor will be able to catch any safety issues during fire extinguisher inspection. Fire extinguishers must be inspected according to industry safety standards and the maintenance guidelines for that specific type of fire safety device.

You can buy fire extinguishers from any reputable fire and security system company. Many of these companies also offer fire extinguisher recharging services so you can feel assured that your fire extinguisher will work properly when you need it.

Fire Extinguishers expire for several reasons. For example, the seal on the neck of the fire extinguisher can weaken over time and leak. Fire extinguishers are not effective at putting out fires once they lose pressure. This is why it’s important to have your fire extinguisher inspected and up-to-code. The expiration date on the fire extinguisher shouldn’t be the only thing you trust.

The general rule of thumb is to use fire extinguishers when the flames are shorter than you. If the flames are taller than you, you’ll need to quickly exit the building.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua minim veniam.

The purpose of portable firefighting equipment is to stop the small fires from spreading and from going out of control because when the fire is out of control it can cause destruction on a very massive level.

It’s important that everyone in the workplace is prepared for a fire. Workers need to know what to do in case a fire occurs and how to work together to effectively stop the advance of a fire. Through fire safety training, workers learn:

  • The company’s emergency plan
  • The worker’s role in the emergency plan
  • How to activate the fire alarm so the building occupants can escape
  • To leave the area immediately, closing all doors behind them
  • Where designated muster areas are located outside the building
  • What to do if they encounter heat or smoke upon exiting
  • How to fight a small fire with a portable extinguisher

Workers and employers need to take fire drills seriously and learn from them to improve response. By practicing what to do in a fire emergency, flaws in the emergency plan can be revealed and those faults can then be addressed. Practice also builds confidence and helps keep everyone calm in the event of a real fire.