Uni Fire



Home Guide for Fire Extinguisher

People have a fire extinguisher in their home. But they’ve probably never used it or don’t know how to use or handle it which may because they have never come face to face with a fire. Knowing about use of fire extinguisher could save your life in any emergency situation.

National Association of Fire Equipments Distributors conducts a study on fire extinguisher effectiveness. In study over a 34-year period showed that fire extinguishers were effective 95% of the time, if they were easily accessible and understandable.


Which type of fire extinguisher should I have?

There are different types of fires which divided in different classes; and there are different types of fire extinguishers.

As per U.S., classification system is:




Solids (Ordinary materials cloth, wood, paper products)


Petroleum (Combustible and flammable liquids (grease, gasoline, oil)


Gases (Flammable Gases methane, LPG)


Flammable metals (magnesium, mercury)


Electrical equipment (appliances, wiring, etc.)


Cooking fires (vegetable oils, animal oils, fats)


You can get your fire extinguisher from Uni Fire Corporation by click here or call at 0333-3044779


How many fire extinguishers should I have?

Minimum you should have one ABCE fire extinguisher on every level of your home(900sqft). Even in the basement, DHA Lahore requirement is more than one. The question come in mind where to store them, think strategically. Where is a fire most likely to start? Most experts recommend keeping your first-floor fire extinguisher near kitchen area, while also having one in your garage. Second-story fire extinguishers may be best kept near stairs, that way they’re easily accessible. Finally, it may be beneficial to have one near your electrical pane and generator.


How to use a fire extinguisher?

It is important to remember fire extinguishers are for small fires. Attempt to extinguish a fire only if the flames are 3 or 4 feet.

Before you try to extinguish fire, evacuate everyone who is inside the home. Then, call the fire or rescue department at 16 or 1122 (even if you feel confident in your ability to extinguish it). Switch of main electric supply and shut the main gas valve off. Once you’ve taken these precautions, stand eight to 12 feet from the fire and use the fire extinguisher by practicing the PASS method.


P = Pull the pin. Release the locking mechanism.
A = Aim at fire. Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire.
S = Squeeze the trigger. Start slowly and evenly.
S = Sweep the hose. Move the nozzle from left to right.


After the fire extinguish, back away from the flames. Watch closely to see if fire will ignite again. If fire extinguisher empties too early (most last 10 seconds), evacuate immediately, wait for fire & rescue department.


However, before using a fire extinguisher to extinguish a fire, it is very important that you determine whether or not it is appropriate for you to be fighting the fire, and whether or not you’ll be able to extinguish. If you don’t think you can fight the fire, or if you have any doubts, evacuate the building immediately and call the fire & rescue department.

For more helpful tips, just like this fire safety guide, ask for our expert to visit. Our experts can help you identify hazards, evaluate your existing safety measures and recommend additional ways to protect your home.

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